
ここに紹介するライザカードは、検査や生産ラインでとても有用な治具です。 add-on側ボードのエッジコネクタの金メッキを着脱繰り返しによる劣化から保護したり、マザーボード側のコネクタをテストボードの着脱繰り返しによる劣化から保護したりするといった用途に適しています。また、少々ボードを持ち上げて使いたい場合などにも便利でしょう。ただしライザカードやテストボードをケースに固定するような金具は付属しないので、そのままではグラグラします。適宜工夫してください。修理はできません。消耗品としてお使いください。 1Uや2Uのラックマウント型PCで使われるアングル型ライザもいろいろな種類があります。製品に採用される場合には別途数量価格納期等をご相談いたします。

PCITX4-1- PCI 32 Bit Right Angle / Left Angle (on A / B side) Riser Card,short version.
The overall dimension of the PCITX4-1 is 3.54"L X 1.28"H, the connector center height is 1.030" PCITX4-1 RISER PICTURE

PCITX4-2 - PCI 32 Bit Right Angle / Left Angle (on A /B side) Riser Card,tall version.
Dimension - H: 2.08" x W: 3.50" PCITX4-2 RISER PICTURE

PCI-02 - PCI 32 Bit Riser Card, Rev-02.
Dimension - H: 2.61" x W: 4.45" PCI-02 RISER PICTURE

PCI-04 - PCI 32 Bit Riser Card, Rev-04.
Dimension - H: 2.31" x W: 3.66" PCI-04 RISER PICTURE

PCI-A32PSC-02 - PCI 32 Bit Riser Card, with interrupt lines on a 2x2 header,Rev-02.
Dimension - H: 2.92" x W: 3.65" PCI-A32PSC-02 PICTURE

PCI-A64PSC-02 - PCI 64 Bit Riser Card, with interrupt lines on a 2x2 header, Rev-02.
Dimension - H: 2.93" x W: 5.35" PCI-A64PSC-02 RISER PICTURE

AGP-02 - AGP Riser Card, Rev-02.
Dimension - H: 2.47" x W: 2.98" AGP-02 RISER PICTURE

AGP-03 - AGP Riser Card, Rev-03.
Dimension - H: 2.55" x W: 5.9" AGP-03 RISER PICTURE

AMR-02 - Audio Modem Riser Extender Card, Rev-02.
Dimension - H: 2.31" x W: 1.81" AMR-02 EXTENDER PICTURE

DIMM-01- DIMM Riser Card, Rev-01, designed to be latched by the DIMM socket.
Dimension - H: 1.95" x W: 5.9" DIMM-01 RISER PICTURE

DIMM-02- DIMM Riser Card, Rev-02, designed not to be latched by the DIMM socket.
Dimension - H: 1.95" x W: 5.9" DIMM-02 RISER PICTURE

ISA-01 - ISA Right Angle (on A side) or straight Riser Card (offsetted, using a right angle connector) , Rev-01.
Dimension - H: 2.90" x W: 5.99" ISA-01 RISER PICTURE

ISA-03 - ISA Right Angle (on A side) or straight Riser Card (offsetted, using a right angle connector), Rev-03.
Dimension - H: 2.24" x W: 6.15" ISA-03 RISER PICTURE

ISAF-01 - ISA Flip Riser Card (right angle or straight), the connector on the top is rotated 180 degree relative to the gold fingers, Rev-01.
Dimension - H: 4.55" x W: 6.25" ISAF-02 RISER PICTURE

ISAR-02 - ISA Right Angle (on B side or A side) Riser Card, Rev-02.
Dimension - H: 1.1" x W: 5.7" ISAR-02A RISER PICTURE ISAR-02B RISER PICTURE

ISAV-01 - ISA Straight Riser Card, Rev-01.
Dimension - H: 2.9" x W: 5.7" ISAV-02 RISER PICTURE

PCIRAID-03 - PCI_RAID 32 Bit Riser Card, Rev-03.
Dimension - H: 2.55" x W: 7.3" PCIRAID-03 RISER PICTURE

SLOT1-02 - SLOT1 Riser Card (for Pentium II processor), Rev-02, board thickness 50mil.
Dimension - H: 1.97" x W: 5.43" SLOT1-02 RISER PICTURE

SLOT1-03 - SLOT1 Riser Card (for Pentium II processor), Rev-03, board thickness 62 mil, with modified gold fingers.
Dimension - H: 1.97" x W: 5.43" SLOT1-03 RISER PICTURE

SLOT1R-02 - SLOT1 Right Angle Riser Card (for Pentium II processor), Rev-02.
Dimension - H: 3.1" x W: 5.5" SLOT1R-02 RISER PICTURE

SLOT2-01 - SLOT2 Riser Card (for Xeon processor) with gold fingers, designed to testing of processor modules, Rev-01.
Dimension - H: 3.1" x W: 5.5" SLOT2 -01 RISER PICTURE

SLOT2-02 - SLOT2 Riser Card (for Xeon processor) with modified palladium fingers, long lasting contact fingers designed to testing of motherboards, Rev-02.
Dimension - H: 3.1" x W: 5.5" SLOT2 -02 RISER PICTURE


Author: Tateno Dennou,Inc. 立野電脳株式会社 Date: 10 Jan. 2001
Address: 5-955 Baigo,Ome Tokyo 198-0063 Japan
〒198-0063 東京都青梅市梅郷5-955    FAX: 0428-77-7010
E-mail: sales@dsp-tdi.com    https://www.dsp-tdi.com